Cabrillo College

Academy for College Excellence

Where: Aptos, CA

ACE Partner Since: 2003 

College Website:

Cabrillo ACE Website:

Cabrillo is where ACE began in 2002 (as the Digital Bridge Academy) and where it continues to thrive and innovate.  Cabrillo currently hosts eight ACE cohorts (as of fall 2012).  Since the program began, it has transitioned more than 675 at-risk students into regular community college courses.  Cabrillo is a seat of innovation for the ACE curriculum, hosting cohorts to accelerate student progress through English, Math, and Science, and enhancing Career Technical Education (CTE) programs.

Cabrillo ACE Program Director
Sadie Reynolds, PhD
Instructor, Sociology and ACE
Aptos, CA 95003
(831) 477-3700 x1213

ACE Student Enrollment Contact
Maura Carrasco
Learning Communities Center – Student Assistant
(831) 477-3340

ACE Faculty
Rebecca Arnesty
Victoria Bañales
Julessa Bass
Gerlinde Brady
Ed Braunhut
Carlos Chavez
Cathy Diaz
Ann Endris
Vicki Fabbri
Steve Hammond
Geneffa Jonker
Marcella Laddon
Teresa Macedo
Gayle McCallum
Rod Norden
Sadie Reynolds
Evelyn Seth
Dianne Sigman
Lisa Simon
Sharon Took-Zozaya
Rachel Van Dessel
Gail West